Click Here | Free Guide to Teach Yourself to Swim
Learn the secrets that have helped thousands learn to swim. What if you could identify and overcome the 2 roadblocks to learning to swim: water sensitivity and the fear of falling or water buoyancy. You will learn how to teach yourself the swimming fundamentals; anxiety control, streamline swimming position, treading water, breath control, effective strokes, back float and freestyle basics. Click Here | Free Teach Yourself to Swim E-Book
Are you a good swimmer already or maybe even a surfer?
Many of my clients tell me they don’t swim for fitness due to the lack of knowledge on how to swim for fitness or just fatigue too quickly. Swimming for fitness can be fun. I will show you how!
You have wanted to improve your stroke and would like to progress to a higher level of swimming fitness.
I promise if you make minor adjustments to your stroke or paddle and core rotation you will immediately be faster with increased endurance. Check out the preview videos for SLC USA
US Master Swimming Coach shares 20+ years of experience teaching advanced swimming techniques and freestyle. You will swim faster guaranteed or we will refund your course fees. Freestyle is the primary stroke for fitness swimming and must be mastered or you will struggle to use swimming for losing weight & overall fitness.
Teach Yourself to Swim | Digital Course
Learn to identify & overcome the 2 roadblocks to learning to swim
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