Swimming Lesson Secrets


How to Swim without holding your breath.

It’s very important to begin orientating your child to the water as early as 6 months. Babies are born with a swimming reflex that begins to dissipate at 6 months.

This reflex is a natural reaction to submersion and the baby will instinctively hold their breath as well kick their feet.

Babies can’t actually swim, however, you can condition behaviors that will help orientate them to the water and increase their chances of surviving an accidental submersion.

I will show you how to prepare a child of any age for swimming lessons and how to practice.

Step 1 – Preparation for underwater swimming
Begin with small amounts using small amounts of water and progress to cups and buckets of water. Pour the water after counting to 3, the water should run over the crown of the head and over the child’s mouth. With older children that have some fear of water you should begin pours on the back of the head and over ears before the face. You can teach older children growling and humming to keep water out of the nose and mouth.

Step 2 – Underwater swimming
Underwater preparation cueing transition to submersion. After you count to three you gently submerge the child completely underwater then return to the surface. Cuing can be done with lifting and you can also blow in the child face before submersion.

Cue techniques: Lifts and blowing in the face. You should never force a child underwater; younger children will never fight, however, as they get older and develop anxiety they will. With children reluctant to go under then you must get them to growl or hum into the water before you help them under the water.  
1, 2, 3 Pour water on the face Growl in the water Quick breaths

Yes, you can learn how to teach your kids swimming skills!
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